Chef cuisinier du restaurant percheron dans le Perche en Orne - La Maison d'Horbé
All our customers tell us: at the Maison Horbé, we feel like at home friends: welcomed, relaxed, comfortably settled in a warm decor that one always enjoys to find.
Whether you are coming to the restaurant or to the tea room, or more simply to revisit our flea market, we strive to reserve you the best welcome and to pay the utmost attention to your expectations.
To visit us is to live a special experience, that of discovering a restaurant-flea market of which, we are confident, you will keep a pleasant souvenir for a long time.
So soon!
Laurent and the team of

La Maison d'Horbé

Art Gallery

La Maison d'Horbé met à la disposition des artistes une galerie pour présenter leurs œuvres (telles que des peintures ou des sculptures) au public du Perche.

Partner of major artistic events in the region, La Maison d’Horbé also exhibits works by contemporary artists throughout the year, and sometimes organizes private concerts …

Here old meets classical and modern.Contemporary paintings coexist with nineteenth-century Percheron scenes.
Authentic figures of the eighteenth century accompany the visitors of their benevolent eyes.

La galerie d'art est une salle se situant à La Perrière dans le Perche en Orne (Normandie) mise à la disposition aux artistes dans le but de faire découvrir leurs œuvres
La galerie d'art à La Maison d'Horbé permet de découvrir des artistes et des artisans locaux du Perche

Perche, whose landscapes, skies and animals are an incomparable source of inspiration, is renowned for the quality of the artists who chose it to live there and express their talents.

Painters, sculptors, photographers, jewelry designers, La Maison d’Horbé supports all sensibilities by providing them with an exclusive exhibition space.
Animations and vernissages are regularly organized to allow the general public to discover or rediscover the best talents of the region.

La Maison d'Horbé est sensible à toutes formes d'art et soutient les artistes : photographe, peintre, sculpteur, créateur de bijoux, etc.

Horaires d'été

Réservations au 02 33 73 18 41

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