Chef cuisinier du restaurant percheron dans le Perche en Orne - La Maison d'Horbé
All our customers tell us: at the Maison Horbé, we feel like at home friends: welcomed, relaxed, comfortably settled in a warm decor that one always enjoys to find.
Whether you are coming to the restaurant or to the tea room, or more simply to revisit our flea market, we strive to reserve you the best welcome and to pay the utmost attention to your expectations.
To visit us is to live a special experience, that of discovering a restaurant-flea market of which, we are confident, you will keep a pleasant souvenir for a long time.
So soon!
Laurent and the team of

La Maison d'Horbé

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The site and its contents are covered by the law of intellectual property and in particular by articles L.112-2 and following and L.341-1 of the code of the intellectual property.
The elements published on this site: texts, images, tariffs, are indicative and have no contractual value. They can not therefore constitute any commitment on the part of SARL La Maison d’Horbé.
Maison d’Horbé reserves the right to modify all or part of its publications at any time and without notice.
Beyond private use for strictly personal purposes, the right to consult, reproduce and publicly represent the content on the site has only been obtained from the publisher for non-profit and non-profit use. a pedagogical framework. The aforementioned uses do not transfer any intellectual property rights to the contents.
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The website is published by La Maison d’Horbé, a limited company with a share capital of 7,500 euros.

SIRET number: 449 007 632 00010

Restaurant – Tea Room

Flea – Gallery

Grande Place – La Perrière
61360 Belforêt-en-Perche

Phone : +33 (0)
Contact us

Creator of this Internet site

This site is an achievement of iPerche, a company specializing in communication and digital tools in Perche.

Creator of Internet sites

2 chauveau – 28480 VICHERES
Tél. : +33(0)6 50 82 38 66
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This site is hosted by iPerche, a company which hosts cheaper your websites and digital tools in the Perche.

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2 chauveau – 28480 VICHERES
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